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The Sketchbook

Architecture is not just about its structure, but about the stories behind it. The stories we don't always learn but we begin to study in architecture school. After graduating, I traveled to different countries soaking up the unique styles and designs each city had to offer. I captured the essence of architectural icons in quick 15-50 minute in-site sketches and learned to portrait details and understand motives of each building’s configuration.


You learn something every day if you pay attention, that’s why this project is a personal practice towards gaining architecture knowledge and growing from it. As an architect, it is my duty to share these stories with the world and I hope to inspire others to appreciate and learn the beauty of architecture and encourage them to explore the world and its many wonders.


As of today, I’ll continue sketching and sharing architecture, one building at a time.

Illustration - Nelly Morales

Mapa Sketchbook PgWeb-01.png

10 countries, 20 cities, 53 sketches.

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